Thank you Linda and Bob for arranging things to make such a magical experience happen. The accommodations were delightfully comfortable, the food was delicious, and the overall atmosphere of beauty and silence were perfect for a yoga retreat. It was a special time with both of you and all the other yogis present on that mountaintop. I returned feeling stronger and more peaceful in so many ways.
— Cai E. (OR), California Fall Retreat
I had a wonderful time at the retreat. Great facilities, lovely people, transformative practices, sacred healing time with myself. Thank you both for all you did to bring this experience to life.
— Zo R. (PA), California Fall Retreat
The quality of instruction was amazing. Linda was fantastic. Loved all the classes and the talks. Linda is just personally so wonderful—a fabulous teacher and person. It was very hard to come home. I was missing her style so much when I first got back, and I am now researching teachers here—no one compares.
— Lynne J. (CO), Mexico Winter Retreat
I had the most incredible time. I wanted to spend a week reflecting, relaxing, doing yoga and being good to myself for my upcoming 40th birthday. I got everything I wanted plus gourmet meals, new friends, wine tasting and a massage! Truly one of the most special weeks of my life.
— Whitney M. (CA), California Fall Retreat
I appreciate the way you teach—you demonstrate, then you keep an eye on us to be sure we are not hurting our body. I liked the variety in the yoga. I liked the chanting and the music also.
— Rosalind S. (PA), Mexico Winter Retreat
I really liked that you offered two classes in the morning—one more vigorous and the second therapeutic. You could teach to different needs. Loved the sunrise contemplation/meditation and the sat sang/spiritual discussion. We began and ended the day together. It really held the group and brought us together in new ways.
— Janice K. (PA), Mexico Winter Retreat
The planning was amazing. I felt very taken care of from the moment the airplane landed. You and Bob really communicated how much you cared that everyone was having a good time. This is a very special retreat — because you really care about people.
— Janice K. (PA), Mexico Winter Retreat
Linda has a great classroom presence and ability to share her extensive knowledge and experience of yoga with students on a variety of levels, from subtle body level to gross body therapeutics. Linda offered options for each practice, so each student could adjust to their own level of energy and experience.
— Marianne O. (OH), California Fall Retreat
Linda, you have given me a new view of yoga—of how instruction can be done. I find that the way you teach is so helpful and I really learned so much. I am working hard to continue what we started in Mexico.
— Wendy H. (PA), Mexico Winter Retreat
I learned a lot to take with me. I actually could feel my body growing stronger in just a week. I noticed that my other workouts were easier when I got home. I was so excited about yoga that I signed up [at home] to take it on a regular basis. Linda explained it so well ... It’s Linda who has changed my life for the better and helped me to understand the benefits of yoga. Linda’s passion for yoga is truly inspiring.
— Pauline M. (CA), new to yoga, California Fall Retreat
The schedule was flexible enough that one could get the amount of yoga practice that they wanted/needed. Everything ran so very smoothly, and I think each person felt that level of commitment from Linda and Bob.
— Ali G. (PA), California Fall Retreat
It was wonderful to find out I could keep up mostly with so much yoga. As usual Linda paced things just right and worked with each of us so we got challenge as well as rest. Linda knows very well how to help each of us work hard but not hurt. I also loved having discussion and morning contemplation be part of the process.
— Sandie T. (PA), Mexico Winter Retreat